The Holiday Club is available for St Margaret's School children, as well as their siblings, aged between 3 and 12 years. The Club runs for one week during both the Easter and October breaks, as well as three weeks during the summer. The Club is open from 8.00am - 5.30pm.
Each day there will be a variety of fun activities which will capture the children’s interest, there will be a mix of adult led activities such as baking, crafts, sports and circle games as well as time for free play. We also plan to invite visiting specialists to provide activities such as dancing, sport and crafts. We aim to provide a balance of activities which give children the opportunity to be creative and to experience energetic play, but there will also be time for quiet activities which allow them to concentrate for a period, or take time to relax.
From time to time, there will be trips to local parks and amenities. Further details will be released once we know the age and numbers of children attending each week. The children will take part in the day-to-day planning of the club when they attend.
The children should bring a morning snack and a packed lunch. We will provide a healthy snack in the afternoon.
If you wish to reserve a place for your child, please email