"The teachers' support to every girl in St Margaret’s is something I have witnessed throughout my years here, but most prevalently, in the upper Senior School. I am eternally grateful to the teachers who go above and beyond to ensure that every question is answered, every resource is available, and every girl gets the support that they need. This support is surely a huge reason for our excellent examination results."
VIS Leaver
"I didn’t enjoy reading until I started paired reading; it’s so much fun now!" - 4 Junior pupil
One of the primary aims of St Margaret's is to ensure that every pupil achieves that of which she is capable in both the curricular and extra-curricular life of the school. Additional support exists to help class teachers and pupils achieve this aim, because it is recognised that any pupil, including the most able, may benefit from support in her learning at some time during her school career. We are fortunate to have a range of staff qualified in inclusive practice who are dedicated to supporting our girls' learning.Their expertise provides holistic support throughout the school, identifying concerns early so that they can be dealt with quickly by the class or subject teacher. When learning barriers are persistent and long term, there are many ways in which Support for Learning staff can contribute to the success of each individual’s performance. These include:
Paired Reading is a scheme run by the support for learning department. It embraces the core principles of Curriculum for Excellence. Senior girls become responsible citizens by volunteering their time to help juniors develop reading skills. The department provides training and the senior girls' contributions help juniors become successful learners. It is rewarding to see all the participants grow in confidence.
St Margaret’s operates an open door approach to support and maintains good links with external support agencies. Pupils for whom English is an additional language may also receive extra tuition.
Further information, including advice about entitlements to additional support, is available from the following national websites: