Music at St Margaret's

Every term at St Margaret’s is punctuated by musical performances. From nursery, all pupils at St Margaret’s receive weekly music tuition, with many also receiving individual instrumental tuition from 2 Junior. Girls as young as five are learning to play the violin at St Margaret’s. Piano, brass, strings and woodwind are taught to junior children and there are numerous extra-curricular music groups.

From an early age, girls have the opportunity to build confidence in performances at informal concerts and whole school events. Just this term alone, girls have performed at their music sharing sessions, the Evening Express Christmas Concert, Maggie’s Christmas Concert, Aberdeen Chamber Choir’s ‘Incantations’, the senior show ‘Disney’s the Little Mermaid’, and the upcoming Carol Service to name but a few.

A key to this success is that the music department, lead by Director of Music Shirley Magill, operates a ‘music for all’ philosophy. This philosophy enables staff to provide a rich and varied programme of weekly extra-curricular musical activities which girls can be involved in. Such activities include, the concert band, orchestra, string groups, chamber, senior and junior choirs, brass ensemble, cello and bass ensemble, Baroque ensemble, ceilidh band, ukulele club, recorder group and a number of woodwind ensembles.

If you are interested in music at St Margaret’s or would like to learn more about life at our school, contact

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