Spring Concert and Easter Service

It’s the beginning of the Easter holiday and the end of term was marked, in the traditional St Margaret’s fashion, with music. For the first time since 2019 the school held a fully live Spring Concert at Queen’s Cross Church with performances from all areas of our music department.

Families and staff were incredibly moved by the calibre of talent on display. The Vivaldi ensemble, concert band, orchestra, senior choir, brass ensemble, chamber choir, and various duets, soloists and groups delighted our community with their stunning performances.

Alongside the well-known pieces of music there was an especially distinct composition created by one of our pupils. VIS pupil Ellen composed a beautiful piece entitled Revival which was inspired by the film soundtracks of John Williams. Ellen gave a rousing performance alongside the orchestra with solo trumpeter, Rosie, of the piece and we are thrilled that she shared the product of all of her hard work with the whole St Margaret’s community.

For VIS pupils this was their last Spring Concert before they leave us for pastures new after the summer term. The music department, and the school as a whole, wishes them well in all their future endeavours and thank them for the contribution they have made to the life of the school.

The Easter service concluded the final day of term at Rubislaw Parish Church. 1 Junior to VI Senior joined together to hear readings and musical performances from numerous St Margaret’s pupils. There was also a retiring collection in aid of the Red Cross Turkey Earthquake Appeal.

The school sang together in renditions of All Things Bright and Beautiful, Springtime, New Life, and Thine be the Glory before departing the church and commencing the Easter holiday.

We wish our entire school community a peaceful and restorative break and look forward to welcoming everyone back in a fortnight’s time.

Happy Easter!

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