St Margaret's School for Girls in National Engineering Development Trust Final

A team of 14 year old pupils from St Margaret’s School for Girls in Aberdeen have reached the national finals of a competition run by the Engineering Development Trust (EDT). The finals took place at Heriot Watt University yesterday (Thurs 22 June), just ahead of International Women in Engineering Day.

The girls designed a future-proofed house encompassing all considerations for climate change in the future. Their design included rain-water collection, solar panels, composting and many other features.

The team was selected after the regional event in Aberdeen to go forward to the final in Edinburgh after participating in the Industrial Cadets Bronze Project, a 12 week programme which gives young people the opportunity to engage first hand with external mentors from industry and solve real life challenges.

St Margaret’s encourages its pupils to study STEM subjects noting the stubborn gender gap which continues in the sector:

  • Beyond GCSE level only 35% of girls study STEM subjects compared to 80% of boys
  • 25% of university graduates in STEM subjects are women
  • Women still make up just 13% of the overall workforce in critical Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects

Anna Tomlinson, Head, said:

“There is still a clear-cut need to address the gender STEM gap which persists today, and through projects which encourage people of all ages and genders to move into STEM studies and careers. Initiatives like the EDT Industrial Cadets programme, can help nurture interest and ambition in STEM fields and future careers.”

The Engineering Development Trust aims to increase interest in STE(A)M careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) through a variety of engaging and dynamic programmes for ages 9-21 that replicate experiences found in the workplace. It works with over 3,700 industry partners to build links between educators and industry employers.

The Industrial Cadets is an industry led quality benchmark for education and outreach programmes to build pathways through learning and employment. The initiative promotes the development of the next generation of UK’s young minds and supports schools and students seeking valuable STEM opportunities.

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