Treasure Your Chest

As part of our breast awareness and health campaign the PE department, along with some colleagues in school, decided to run a ‘Treasure Your Chest’ event this week. In PE and game lessons we challenged the pupils to keep moving for 15 or 20 minutes (depending on age) from nursery to III Senior. The seniors are going to run their challenge next Thursday instead. Together as a school community we are hoping to achieve 1000 km. After our run the 5 Junior to III Seniors participated in a variety of fun activities with bras. We also used the time to speak to classes about the importance of wearing a sports bra when participating in sport. Many young women stop engaging in sport or find it a barrier to participating fully so our aim was to make this an item of kit that you think of wearing just like trainers and leggings etc. On Tuesday the art department set the 7 Junior class a task about designing a bra for a specific event.

On Wednesday one of the V Senior pupils, Yoma, gave an assembly on this subject to her fellow pupils and we also welcomed Kelly from the University of Aberdeen. Kelly gave us an insight into where the money we raised would be going. 100% of all money raised goes straight into cancer research and women’s health which is fantastic. Kelly explained that:

  • The breast cancer research team looks at causes, prevention, diagnosis, screening and treatment.
  • £5 can buy a box of test tubes
  • £12 could pay for a box of testing swabs
  • £35 could pay for a cannister of oxygen free Nitrogen
  • £100 could pay for a data pull
  • £500 could pay for a year's worth of lab costs for a research project - this is our fundraising aim.

On Friday our charity prefects helped sell empire biscuits which were very kindly donated by our catering staff colleagues Mark and Chelsea. These were very much enjoyed by all!

We have reached 776.65 km so far in our 1000 km challenge:

Nursery 20.1 km

Junior school 251.9 km

Senior school 263.3 km

Staff 142.25

Family and friends 99 km

Thank you to all the staff who have helped and everyone who has donated money or contributed towards our 1000km. Here is a link to the site for anyone wishing to donate or contribute.

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