​Child-led learning and active exploration at St Margaret’s Nursery

Child-led learning and active exploration at St Margaret’s Nursery

At St Margaret’s Nursery, our children are encouraged to learn through child-led interests and active exploration. These experiences are supported by nursery staff to extend and develop the children’s learning.

Learning through play encourages children to gather information about the world around them, helping them to develop and adapt a wide variety of skills whilst building confidence and resilience.

St Margaret’s Nursery provides the best possible setting for children in their formative years by offering them a safe learning environment which encourages them to follow their own interests. These opportunities inspire curiosity, creativity, social skills, communication, perseverance and so much more.

The Nursery’s enthusiastic staff are dedicated to providing a wide range of activities and experiences whilst nurturing children’s interests. The Nursery take full advantage of local amenities to support learning about the wider community. These include visiting local businesses such as the pharmacy, supermarkets and the library, enabling the children to experience and develop their awareness of the community whilst developing their numeracy and literacy skills. Initiatives such as the Wee Green Spaces project, whilst developing awareness of local green space and caring for the environment, encourage the children’s independence skills, resilience, problem solving abilities and ability to assess and manage risk.

The Nursery recognise that indoor and outdoor learning opportunities are key to embracing multifaceted learning, whilst nurturing positive, caring attitudes towards nature and the local environment. These opportunities will also increase each child’s physical activity, which is also facilitated in our safe, secure playground area.

The children at St Margaret’s Nursery enjoy timetabled gym, music and dancing sessions within a familiar, encouraging environment. This, together with a careful approach to child-led learning and active exploration, provides our children with valuable and positive early years’ experience, which effectively prepares them for the years ahead.

St Margaret’s Nursery currently has funded spaces available through our partnership with Aberdeen City Council. If you would like to find out more or arrange a visit, please contact admissions on 01224 584466 or email

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