The Right of Access to Education

Article 28 of the UNCRC, access to education, was put in place so that all children know and understand that they have the right to learn and be taught. Nonetheless, millions of children all over the world today are not in school - 263 million according to UNESCO. Some are sent to work - from the moment they are seen as fit enough to. Some do not have the resources and others, although they do have access, are denied it because of things like their economic status, having learning difficulties (like dyslexia), or most commonly their gender.

UNESCO estimates that 130 million girls do not go to school. It might be for some of the reasons above, but in a lot of countries, girls and women are seen as inferior, and so they are not given the opportunity to learn, whereas boys and men are encouraged to pursue their education. However, we know here that girls empower innovation. It is thanks to women that we have some of the amazing things we enjoy today. Girls can shine in art and culture, stand out in STEM and sciences and are figure heads in politics, debate and so much more. There should not be limitations on a girl's intellect simply because she is a girl, which is what we embrace at St Margaret’s.

We are taught here, at St Margaret's, that girls can pave the way to a better future and no matter which route they are going down, we can be a standing example of how girls contribute to communities, societies and the world. Our school also has a partnership with another all girls school in Uganda, a country trying to increase the number of women in education, who also embrace this truth about schooling and understand just how important it is to give girls a chance.

So, the next time you want to complain about those early mornings or do not understand why your teachers have set more homework, just remember you are, quite literally, 1 in a million who have the opportunity to go to school, and to such a high degree! Also remember the protection you are granted thanks to Article 28, protection from educational neglect and discrimination. Embrace your learning, take pride in your lessons and work your absolute hardest this school year to make the most of your education.

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