UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Article of the Week

LGBT+ History Month is celebrated every February across the UK and was founded in 2004 by Schools OUT UK co-chairs, Paul Patrick & Professor Emeritus Sue Sanders. It was first celebrated in February 2005 and 2025 will be its 20th year. The theme this year is Activism and Social Change.

Throughout history LGBT+ people have been activists and helped shape and create social change, advancing society for everyone using many different approaches to activism:

  • Protests and rallies
  • Campaigns – letter writing and social media
  • Boycotts and direct action
  • Collaboration and education
  • Art and music
  • Literature and poetry
  • Theatre, film, comedy and dance
  • Crafts from banners to zines
  • Living openly

It is a time to recognize the contributions of LGBTQ+ people to society, and to promote equality.

All children should be treated with respect, dignity and equality. Young people should feel safe to share their thoughts freely, without judgement or prejudice.

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